In September 2020, Surrey County Council carried out an on-line survey (as part of the Government’s Active Travel programme) to assess whether there is support from local shops/businesses and local residents for a new pedestrian area in Thames Ditton High Street to be implemented on a trial/experimental period during the COVID-19 recovery period; also looking to the future taking into account new working patterns, lifestyles and behaviour.
The proposal under consideration centres on the lime tree (tree), at the junction of the High Street with Ashley Road, involving converting some of the carriageway near the lime tree in the middle of the High Street into pavement. The objectives of a new, temporary pedestrian area would be to provide more space for people on foot in the High Street, for improved pedestrian flow and safe, social distancing and provide space for economic activity on the Highway itself, for example for cafes to put out more tables and chairs. Full vehicle access would be maintained at all times.
The results of this survey are attached here for you to see.
The headlines are:
- 393 people took part
- 61.5% said they favoured a pedestrian zone full time or part time in the lime tree area
- 37.66 said they did not
These findings are currently being reviewed with a view to next steps.